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  2. Key Dates

Key Dates

Upcoming dates/Events – list is not exhaustive
17th-21st June – Sky Access All Arts Theme Week – Whole School
18th June – Y4 trip to perform at Bridgewater Hall as part of weekly music lessons with the music service
19th June – Cake Sale in school – children can bring money
26th and 28th June - Ice-Pop Sale after school organised by our AFA - 50p each
1st-5th July – Sports Week
3rd July – Sports Day – EYFS + KS1 @10am, KS2 @1.30pm
5th July – Druhm Day! Whole School experience Day to link with Self-Belief
8th July - Wear Yellow Day @ Arlies to support the Cystic Fybrosis Trust - Please donate £1 on SchoolMoney to take part.
10th July - Art @ Arlies Showcase 2-4pm - Parents are invited to come along and see pupils' artwork - more details will be sent nearer the time
10th July - Teddy Bears Picnic in EYFS - a letter has been sent to EYFS parents
15th July – KS2 Production Dress Rehearsal during school day 22nd July – Transition lessons with new class teacher for September
19th July - 11am - Y4 music performance with Tameside Music Service - Y4 parents are most welcome to come and watch.
22nd July - All pupils will have a transition session with their new teacher for September
23rd July – KS2 Production @5pm – All KS2 Pupils will be required back at school for 4.15/30pm. Tickets will be available soon
24th July – Y6 Leavers Assembly @ 10am
25th July – Merit assembly @10am – parents of award winners will be invited in advance
26th July – School closes for the summer break @ 1.30pm